What's Your Story? Telling Your Story Convincingly, Engagingly, Authentically

What's Your Story? Telling Your Story Convincingly, Engagingly, Authentically

If you attended SITE Global Conference in New York City, you'll know Andre Norman. A lone figure on a massive stage, with little by way of slick PPT or production gimmickry, Andre told us his redemption story with raw honesty and amazing grace.

Growing up in Boston, Andre struggled with poverty and illiteracy. After quitting on his dream of being a trumpet player, he turned to the streets. Eventually finding himself before a judge where he was sentenced to over 100 years in prison.

A prison epiphany during one of his many periods in solitary confinement led Andre to transform his life and, following his eventual release, to dedicate his life to helping others caught in the detention system.

Since New York City, Andre has stayed in touch with SITE developing this special webinar during which he will help each of us develop our own story and tell it, convincingly, engagingly, authentically.

Andre Norman


Academy of Hope

International speaker and change agent Andre Norman is the founder of The Academy of Hope, a program designed to reduce institutional violence in prisons by providing an intense level of intervention while also creating a positive environment for the inmate population and staff.


What's your story? Telling your story convincingly, engagingly, authentically
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  60 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  60 minutes If you attended SITE Global Conference in New York City, you'll know Andre Norman. A lone figure on a massive stage, with little by way of slick PPT or production gimmickry, Andre told us his redemption story with raw honesty and amazing grace. Growing up in Boston, Andre struggled with poverty and illiteracy. After quitting on his dream of being a trumpet player, he turned to the streets. Eventually finding himself before a judge where he was sentenced to over 100 years in prison. A prison epiphany during one of his many periods in solitary confinement led Andre to transform his life and, following his eventual release, to dedicate his life to helping others caught in the detention system. Since New York City, Andre has stayed in touch with SITE developing this special webinar during which he will help each of us develop our own story and tell it, convincingly, engagingly, authentically.
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